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Hair Coloring Guide: Find The Best Hair Colour for Your Skin Tone

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How to choose a hair colour for skin tone?

When you go to the grocery, you will see a long aisle of hair dye from brown, red, brunette and blonde – name it and you will have it. With the gazillion of hair colour choices, you get confused about which fits best for you. Choosing the right colour for your hair can be tricky. There are many things to consider before getting that new look. One important consideration is to choose the hair colour for skin tone. A person’s skin tone can either be warm, cool or neutral. A warm skin tone has a yellow and gold undertone. If your skin has a blue or reddish undertone, then you have a cool skin tone. Neutral skin tone has a matching skin colour and skin undertone.

How to determine your skin tone? How to find your best colour match?

There is a very simple way to determine your skin tone. Just check the colour of the veins in your wrist. If your veins are blue or purple, you belong to the cool-toned skin group. If your veins are green and yellow, then you have a warm skin tone. Another way to test is to place a silver or gold accessory near your face around the eye area. If your skin compliments the silver accessory, you have cool-toned skin. If your skin compliments gold accessories, then you have a warm skin tone. These simple tests can help you in choosing the right colour for your curls.

Here is a quick guide on how to choose the right colour for your curls to compliment your skin tone:


For fair skin with a warm undertone, hair colours like copper red, butterscotch, caramel and golden blonde will bring out the warmth in the skin. These warm colours complement the warm undertone of your skin.

If you have fair skin with a cool undertone, try hair colours like platinum and baby blonde. These light hair colours will match your fair complexion.

For fair skin with a neutral undertone, blonde is your best bet. But with the many shades of blonde, shades like platinum blonde will be perfect for you. Just stay away from blonde with cool undertone.


Medium skin matches most hair colours. There are more hair colour choices for medium skin colour than fair and deep skin. If you have a warm undertone, go with hair colour on the brown and blonde side. Warm butterscotch and light golden brown will match your medium-warm skin colour.

For medium skin with a warm undertone, ash-blonde will work for you. If you want to try the red hair colour shade, choose medium auburn or cinnamon.

If you have medium skin with a neutral undertone, you can do both warm and cool tone hair colour or a combination of both. You can do a darker base colour with golden hues to bring the warmth of your skin colour.


For deep skin with cool undertones, black hair with gold and brown highlight will surely compliment your skin tone. Other colours like blue-black and deep purple can also work for your skin colour.

Caramel and toffee hair colour best compliment deep skin colour with warm undertones. These simple hair colours will enhance the skin’s natural radiance.

For deep skin with a neutral undertone, a light cool tone blonde, cool beige or gold-toned chestnut will surely flatter your skin colour.

sPastel Hair

If you are on the more adventurous side, you are surely itching to try pastel colours. Most of the time, we see pastel colours on fair and light skin. But nowadays, even deep-coloured skin can also do pastel hair in the cool shades of purple, blue, green, pink.


What hair colour is best for curly hair?

To choose the best colour for your gorgeous curls, you need to consider your skin colour, eye colour and your natural hair colour. Identifying these factors will make it easier for you to find the right colour for your curls.

Which hair colour is best for frizzy hair?

Frizzy hair will not look good with any hair colour. If you have frizzy hair, try fixing your frizz before colouring your hair. Some hair colour if not done properly can lead to further hair damage which can lead to more frizz.

Does curly hair look better in lighter or darker?

Curly hair looks best in light or dark hair colour if you choose the hair colour that compliments your skin tone.

Do highlights look better for curly hair?

Adding highlight to your curly hair will surely enhance the texture and will give layers to your curls. Highlights if properly placed on the hair can enhance the natural waves and pattern of your curls.

Is it safe to colour curly hair?

It is generally safe to colour the hair as long as you follow the correct procedures stated by the manufacturer. It is best to go to a hair professional to avoid damages and to give the best care for your hair.

How can I dye my hair without damaging it?

If you are dyeing your own hair, strictly follow the instructions stated on the packaging to lessen the damage. It is still strongly recommended to go to a professional when colouring your hair to get the least damage and get the best result.

How do I know which colour suits me?

Finding your skin tone will help you in choosing the hair colour that suits you. You can follow the discussion above for the recommended hair colour based on your skin tone.

Will I lose my curl pattern if I dye my hair?

Dyeing the hair if done correctly can further enhance the appearance of your curls. Improper application of hair colour can lead to hair damage thus making the hair lose its natural body.

How do I colour my curly hair at home?

If you want to do your own hair colour, read the instructions set by the manufacturer carefully to avoid damaging your hair and to get the best results.

How to choose the proper hair colour to look younger?

Choose a hair colour that compliments your skin. Not only will this make you look younger, but this will also make you look fresher and more radiant.

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